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Gender Gaps in the Legislative & Administrative System that is Restricting Access to Justice for Women

In view of this, what is currently the most pertinent issue in your country ?

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Leadership & Motivational Concepts.

This workshop will discuss the concept of Leadership traditionally and in the more modern soul researched concept of this century that is Leadership with a Heart , a Social Understanding , a Tolerant Mode of Action, an Inclusive Pattern of Thought. Women have shown to be very successful in many platforms with this values vision in leadership. The focus of this Workshop is to further explain this concept as well as leadership building activities.

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Meditation for Renewed Energy
Rejuvenate yourself towards 2022

We, as humanity are in essence guided towards the one path . There is a natural affiliation to nature and the universes intricate systems. Let us be guided in Heartfelt connections and Meditative Conceptualization from our inner beings.

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Generational Change & Traditional Patterns of Society

Thought patterns of society are based in essence on the traditional values of the past and are constantly evolving as new generations bring in their views to the platform . The key is to create dialogue in this space as interaction will fill what we now term as generational gap. Women have always moved to create communication these spaces in both social/personal and political areas.

A successful outcome is one which has the warmth of tolerance and patience in merging contrasting opinions

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Global Workshop for Peace Building & Inner Resilience

This workshop is on the essence of Peace via the intention of building platforms of compassionate tolerance and growth. This is a field in which women for centuries have been navigating difficult areas to build the foundations of these thoughts .

Inner Resilience , Focused Intention and Persistent Pursuit of moving minds towards Connecting is a bold achievement.

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Mental Health &
Positive Change

This Workshop is intended to discuss the delicate subject of Mental Health which is prevalent in many ways in our societies as well as in our personal lives. The interaction with Life in all its challenging circumstances may it be on a professional or personal level can create complicated Mental Responses which in turn effect our physical lives and our capacities to deal with Life itself. An acknowledgment of this is the Key to Rediscover your strengths and move forward with courage .

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Reach Within & Grasp Your
Strengths: Transform Yourself for the Future

The workshop is based on the fundamentals of holistic philosophies, heart coherence, psychological methodologies and
quantum physics to create a shift in your thought process and to EMPOWER you to be the woman that you are FROM WITHIN.
A Woman of Courage, A Woman of Infinite Possibilities

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